Learn with Teacher (English)
Learn Quran Admin
Last Update il y a 4 mois
Registration form online quran learning - Learn Quran

Benefits that you will get :
1. Credible teacher from Indonesia who can teach Qur'an in English properly
2. Private system (1:1) so you can learn easily, and more private with the teacher
3. Flexible learning time (morning, afternoon, evening) so you can pick a learning time that suit your activity
4. Minimum 1x session/week (can be more than 1x session per week, according to teacher and student agreement). With a maximum of 8 sessions in 2 month.
5. Live consultation with the teacher(outside study time is permitted)
6. Exclusive pdf tahsin module from Learn Quran (author have sanad to prophet Muhammad)
7. Memorizing Qur'an program (tahfidz) is included (by request)
8. Women teachers for women, men teachers for men)

This program is for you who :
1. Beginner program :
Who can’t read Qur'an from zero (don’t know the Arabic alphabet)
2. Intermediate program :
Who can read Qur'an but still struggling in pronouncing the Arabic alphabet (makharijul huruf) and tajweed rules
3. Advanced program :
Who can recite Qur'an correctly and want to improve his Qur'an/tajweed knowledge.
Student Requirement :
1. Can speak English or Bahasa Indonesia
2. Have a good internet connection, device, and app for video calls (skype, zoom, etc)
How much time does this program take? (estimation learning time) :
this estimation is based on our alumni with the same program (tahsin private intensive) - can differ - :
1. Beginner Program: 6 - 9 months
2. Intermediate Program : 3 - 6 months
3. Advanced Program: 1 - 3 months
Memorizing program (tahfidz) :
Optimist target : >1 juz'/month
Moderate target: half juz' (10 pages/month)
Conservative target: one third juz'(6 page/month)
Note: can surpass expectation/estimation based on individual ability in memorizing/learning